
Posts Tagged ‘desert’

In class our assignment was to create a brochure on a biome. I was assigned a hot desert biome. This biome would not be very suitable for humans becuase it gets to hot and in the night it gets hot as anything. In my research i found out about the organisms that call the desert home. There are not a lot of different types of animals found in the desert, but the ones that are there are cool. My favorite is the Armadillo Lizard. I think that that animal would beatdown any animal in the desert. Doing the brochure on the biome was an enriching experience, but I will never know truly how things go down in the desert. I will not because I have never been there. In order for someone to truly know what happens in the desert, they have to live there .


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Biology Biomes

On Friday, my biology class went outside to learn (& present) what we learned about the biome’s we studied earlier that week. A biome is an area that has specific climate ranges and contains flora and fauna as well; and landforms are included as well. We were each assigned a different biome and we had to research the different plants, animals, weather, landforms, and more about the region we were given. The biomes I found most interesting were the Tundra and Desert . These two biomes are so different. The Tundra climate is extrememly cold, and is the farthest from the equator. It has little plant life and a few mammals and insects. The Desert is a place closest to the equator, with the most direct sunlight, and contains many cacti and brush. These two places are so different, yet they are both dry places. The Tundra’s water vapor freezes in the air causing it to be dry. As for in the Desert, it is so hot there is very little amounts of water vapor in the air. These brochures really helped me learn a lot about the different areas. There are varied types of biomes on earth.


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Hot Desert Biome

Today in biology class, we learned about the different types of biomes.  One that I thought was particularly interesting was the hot desert biome.  The hot desert biome is usually located near the equator.  The average high of the desert is 49 degrees C.  However, the air becomes very cold at night.  A variety of small animals feed the large predators, like hawks, owls, roadrunners, and eagles.  Plants in the area survive by growing thick skins, like cactus, to stop transpiration.  I think this is interesting, because their thick skins could make it harder for animals to eat them.  Most plants are ground-hugging, because of the extreme heat.  I think the way that animals have adapted to desert life is fascinating.

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