
Posts Tagged ‘Gulf of Maine’

In the classroom the major thing I learned is that the Gulf of Maine is not part of the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf of Maine is separate from the ocean and is its own body of water, even though it is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. Since the Gulf of Maine is directly connected to the Atlantic Ocean I assumed it was considered part of the ocean, but because of the currents the Gulf of Maine is cut off from the ocean. The Gulf of Maine goes from Cape Cod up to the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. The Labrador Current comes into the gulf from the north and turns in a counterclockwise direction inside the gulf. Since the Gulf of Maine is fed primarily by the Labrador Current, which comes down from the north, the water is generally cold.

Gulf Stream and Labrador Currents, Gulf Of Maine


Steve H.

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The Touch Tank

Throughout this field trip there were many things that we learned about. We were able to get a better understanding about the water hemispheres and the different aquatic animals that live in the Gulf of Maine. Even though there was all that, the thing that i enjoyed most was the touch tank inside of the Odiorne Beach building. The touch tank was a realistic version of what the Gulf of Maine is really like. It showed me how the different sea creatures live and their different habitats that they conform to. Another thing it taught me was how the animals adapt to the different water temperature throughout the hemispheres and seasons. In the touch tank the water was very cold and it showed me how cold the Gulf of Maine gets around this time of the year. The animal that interested me most was the starfish, i was able to feel the texture of it and see how it lives. Overall i enjoyed this field trip alot because i got a better understanding of many different things.

               F1024 B158 - Starfish, orange, 4-inch plastic




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Gulf of Maine Bathymetry

On this field trip I learned mostly about the temperature changes in the Gulf of Maine.  The temperature changes each season and so does the water temperature.  I did not know that there were different colors that symbolize different temperatures.  It was interesting to learn about that.  I found out that it has extreme seasonal temperature changes, “Its nearness to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, its broad expanse of glacially carves basins and channels, and the seasonally extreme water temperatures.” During the seasons the temperature has a drastic change from warm to cold water.  On the field trip we made charts and figured out which colors symbolize what temperature.  It was a fun field trip that helped me learn more about the ocean, temperatures, and the Gulf of Maine.



NOAA_temp Gulf of Maine Chart

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Waters of the Gulf of Maine

Last week our oceanography class went on a field trip to Ordione state park. On the day trip we learned many things. We had a presentation and got to do many activities in small groups that gave us a chance to do some problem solving on our own . One of the things I learned was that there are many ways used to show the months and temperatures using the water and the tides. Charts can show that the lighter colors represent summer and the dark represent winter. The tides also depend on the moon phases showing high and low tides. The areas that are in the Red, Orange and yellow have warmer climates then the blue and greens. Overall I believe this field trip taught me a lot of information about oceanography in a different way and gave us a chance to really experience this stuff through a presentation and looking at the tide pools.

– Erika S.


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Yesterday on the oceanography field trip to Odiorne Point I learned a lot of new things about the ocean, and particularly the Gulf of Maine.  The biggest thing that I learned was how the temperature in the ocean changes.  It wasn’t the most fun thing we did on the trip, but sitting through the presentation is what taught me the most.  One of the most interesting things I learned about how the ocean temperature changes is that the ocean water is actually somewhat warmer in the fall, then the spring.  This is because after the summer it takes a while for the ocean to get cooled down, and in the spring it takes a while to heat up.  Also, I learned that in shallower water, the ocean is warmer, than in deeper water.  A very interesting thing about the oceans temperature is that there is a significant difference in the temperature of Cape Cods Ocean on the bottom, and on the top of Cape Cod.  The reason for the temperature difference is because it is further north on top, and it is deeper, both of these contribute to the cooler water on the top of Cape Cod.

Odiorne Point Beach

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I thought the field trip was very beneficial to my understanding of oceanography. At the Seacoast Science Center, we learned a lot about the Gulf of Maine and how it changes throughout the course of a year. Not only does the climate and temperature change, but the sea creatures do as well. One thing that I found extremely interesting was how the temperature of the water changes. I had always assumed that the water was the coldest in the winter and the warmest in the summer. I learned that the water is actually warmest in the fall. This is because the water has been warming up since spring and summer, so the surface of the water is pretty warm. This is why water activities such as canoeing and kayaking are most popular during this time of the year. Another interesting fact was that the Gulf of Maine is actually the most active seaport in the nation. The University of New Hampshire uses very expensive equipment to track their findings. Overall, I thought this was an extremely interesting learning experience.

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