
Posts Tagged ‘seasons’


Gulf of Maine Bathymetry

On this field trip I learned mostly about the temperature changes in the Gulf of Maine.  The temperature changes each season and so does the water temperature.  I did not know that there were different colors that symbolize different temperatures.  It was interesting to learn about that.  I found out that it has extreme seasonal temperature changes, “Its nearness to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, its broad expanse of glacially carves basins and channels, and the seasonally extreme water temperatures.” During the seasons the temperature has a drastic change from warm to cold water.  On the field trip we made charts and figured out which colors symbolize what temperature.  It was a fun field trip that helped me learn more about the ocean, temperatures, and the Gulf of Maine.



NOAA_temp Gulf of Maine Chart

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Waters of the Gulf of Maine

Last week our oceanography class went on a field trip to Ordione state park. On the day trip we learned many things. We had a presentation and got to do many activities in small groups that gave us a chance to do some problem solving on our own . One of the things I learned was that there are many ways used to show the months and temperatures using the water and the tides. Charts can show that the lighter colors represent summer and the dark represent winter. The tides also depend on the moon phases showing high and low tides. The areas that are in the Red, Orange and yellow have warmer climates then the blue and greens. Overall I believe this field trip taught me a lot of information about oceanography in a different way and gave us a chance to really experience this stuff through a presentation and looking at the tide pools.

– Erika S.


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Temperature Changes in the Ocean

I liked that the field trip was interactive, which helped me learn better. When tide-pooling, I learned a lot about how the temperature of the water changed from Mr. Harty. I also learned this information from the lady inside of Ordione. I learned that the reason the ocean temperature changes is because of the variation of the sun. For example, in the winter time when the sun is in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy input is greatly reduce, therefore lowering the temperatures. The average temperature of the ocean surface waters is about 62.6 degrees. In addition to the temperature of the air, the local currents and wind also affect the ocean temperature. The surface water temperatures obviously change from season to season and year to year change, but the ocean as a whole has increased .1 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 50 years. This change is actually extremely significant, although it is one .1 degrees. It shows that the ocean is warming and this could be alarming and concerning.


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